Friday 12 April 2013

Becoming : A Retrospect

In my last post I have been an advocate of extreme rationality and logic in order to take a decision. And one can be blamed for thinking that I am right, and that rationalism to the extent of brutality is an appropriate attitude towards life; or one might conclude that whatever I said is bullshit and that mechanical exercise of logic is not at all a viable option, and that I am a complete idiot. Ah, if only life were so simple as to there being a right and a wrong.
The following is a poem I wrote for my college magazine, which coincidentally expresses my thoughts on, well, thinking outside the box.
So these are my thoughts on being a bit unconventional;


Dormant in the murky depths,
anonymously it lies,
Curled up in a ball of thought,
yet to open it's eyes.

Around it's foetal form are bustling,
clouds of logic and facts
Their monochrome paths lead on towards,
rational and conventional acts.

No novelty, no originality,
No impetus for perception a bit wide,
In their cocoons of traditionality
Immune to transcension they reside

Their aura of mediocrity,
A new thought inevitably dies,
Yet dormant in the murky depths,
anonymously it lies.

Untainted,pure, it's pristine shell,
being obliterated by ignorance so dark,
Pressing down on it's wings,bearing hard,
All it takes is a spark

A flash of light, A streak of colour,
penetrates the practical mind
And in a sudden moment of madness,
all presumptions are left behind

New possibilities begin to unfold,
ideas begin blooming anew,
In a world that has no limits,
Because of an epiphany so true

All boundaries destroyed, All rigidity melted,
It's salvation from the worldly cage,
it's time to arise is closing in fast,
An unmoulded mind it's stage

Shafts of light pierce the depths,
it finally opens it's eyes,
Free from it's darkened prison,at last,
Serenity finally flies.

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